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Saturday, October 23, 2021

ICPC Algo Queen – Girls Programming Cup 2021


ICPC Algo Queen – Girls Programming Cup 2021 hosted by Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham is a unique, first of its kind girls only Competitive Programming Contest, as an initiative to encourage girls to participate in Problem Solving and Competitive Programming.

Girls learning coding is a much-needed step towards solving the gender gap problem that continues to plague software programming. Even after having a huge demand for coders, women are significantly underrepresented in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) fields, making it is even more important to show girls, in particular, that learning how to code is not only extremely beneficial, but it can also be fun. Girls Learning Coding is the key to a Bright Future.

Hence, we Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham and ICPCthe oldest, largest, and most prestigious programming contest in the world, puts forward Algo Queen as a first step towards Promoting Girls to ‘Code and Be the Change’.

Registration Opens from: 1st May 2021

Registration Closes by:10th November 2021

Contest will be held on: December 2021

  • Students can participate individually or form a group of maximum 2 members.
  • One of your school teachers shall be a coach / mentor. Teachers need not be essentially from computer science backgrounds. Any teacher who can encourage you can be a Coach / mentor. *It is not mandatory to have a coach.
  • Contest will be held on Code Drills platform. It is an online judge that helps you to understand the mistakes or errors instantly. Start practicing with the problems already posted in the above online platform.
  • Prizes : ICP AlgoQueen 2021- The Girls Programming Cup with Gold Medal to be awarded to the Top Team/Student and will also get an opportunity to attend “ICPC World Finals”.
    • Gold Medals for top 5 teams (Rank 1 to 5)
    • Silver Medals for next 5 teams (Rank 6 to 10)
    • Bronze Medals for the next 5 teams (Rank 11 to 15)
    • Top 3 teams from each state will be given an “Appreciation Award”
    • Exciting prizes at the end of each round.

Click for Registration

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