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Friday, April 26, 2019

Exam Mantra

Work is worship 
Exam Mantra for Students
A students must have  positive attitude because it is key to success and self-confidence. A teacher is a facilitator  and students always follow the suit , so we should set the example for reading. They pick up most of the habits from us. Therefore,  it is very important for the teachers that we must be careful to develop  positive attitudes towards important habits such as reading, information literacy and acquiring knowledge. Teachers must discuss with students that what is he or she is reading?
And most important thing for students  that when you are in the school , try to talk about books with your friends like, what are they reading, which type literature do they have, how are they reading, their schedule of reading, methods of reading etc. A students should also talk about favourite Books, Authors, New Releases, Library Visits and  he / she should also  wisely use the social media. Every student should be stick to the prescribed text book of the syllabus rather than the reference books. During the practice session write your answers on a notebook and try to find out the mistakes and start debugging the mistakes.

Time management is a big factor and remember one thing that you will never get the opportunity to appear in the board exams again so why not make this preparation most effective and smarter by applying time management. There is a myth that you should study for 10 to 12 hours in a day to score good marks but I think it is vital to understand how much you have studied rather than how long you have studied.

Handwriting is very important factor and matters a lot for good or highest marks in the exam as your writing makes the first  impression on the checkers’ mind.

A good student  need to finish the entire syllabus at least four weeks prior to the examination in order to revise the portion and after that try to solve old question papers without consulting the answers. Do not memorize as you may forget it instead take help, understand the concept to remember it lifetime.
We may listen the audiobooks of great personalities, biographies, motivational speeches etc to get rid of  exam anxiety and fear while doing other tasks include doing the marketing, exercising, weeding, daily routine work and similar tasks. It is as an alternative to radio. We may have positive energy,  get more relaxed and self-motivated during the exam days.

We should also remember good self-care, pay attention to your sleep, nutrition, exercise, relaxation routines and blessings of elders  in order to be healthy and fit for next day. 

Students may listen audio books of great personalities, biographies, motivational speeches etc to get rid of  exam anxiety and fear. We may have positive energy, get more relaxed and self-motivated  during the exam days with the help of such audiobooks.   

Last but not the least remember good self-care,  pay attention to your sleep, nutrition, exercise, relaxation routines and blessings of elders  in order to be healthy and fit for next day.  

Dr. N. K. Pachauri, TGT – Lib
Kendriya Vidyalaya OEF
Hazratpur,  Distt - Firozabad

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